Thursday, 14 November 2013

All the pretty things #11

This week our dry spell finally came to an end. That's not a bad thing — I actually can't remember the last time it rained and some wet weather was clearly needed.  But it also made me realise that when it rains, there's very little you can do in Sydney, except hole up indoors and wait for it all to pass. This is a city that is geared to outdoor life and indoor activities are few and far between. So with more showers ahead for the weekend, it was extra important to make the most of the sunshine today, which we did with a little trip to the South Head.

As one of two headlands marking the entrance to Sydney harbour, the South Head provides stunning views both out to sea and towards the city. There's a 450m heritage trail looping around the Hornby lighthouse that's an easy stroll, provided you're okay with several flights of stairs. This is not a pram-friendly outing, but it's perfectly do-able with a baby carrier.

And when you're done, Doyles on the wharf is just around the corner with the best seafood in town.


Sunday, 3 November 2013

All the pretty things #10

This week, there's a distinct purple haze covering Sydney and no, it's not just the smoke from bush fires... It's that time of year when blossoming jacaranda trees give Sydney's streets that violet coloured touch, a beautiful sight, albeit a rather sticky one. Whatever you do, don't park your car underneath one of these trees... This is what our street currently looks like...

This week, we also spent a (rather smoky, yep the fires are still around) Saturday morning at the Bondi farmers market which, as the name suggests, provides a wide selection of fresh produce straight from local farms. A lovely place to do your weekly shopping, or just grab a coffee, hang out and listen to reggae music...

And if you're up for the stronger stuff, there's also some seriously tasty Batlow premium cider, straight from an orchard near the Snowy Mountains...

And finally, we spent an afternoon in the park, where we spotted this little kookaburra...